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Posted November 30, 2018

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The Thrice Publishing Library...

Updated August 10, 2019

Surrealists and Outsiders 2019: Narrow Doors In Wide Green Fields is available from Amazon.

A collection of new writing from Surrealists and those outside the mainstream edited by RW Spryszak. Stories, poems, and strange encounters by Paul McRandle, Verónica Cabanillas Samaniego, Alan Gullette, Peter Dubé, Anatoly Kudryavitsky, John M Bennett, Dale Houstman, J. Karl Bogartte, Kirby Olson, AE Reiff, Mazduda Hassan, Angel Dionne, Louise Kaestner, Valery Oisteanu, David Nadeau, C.R. Resetarits, Stephen Kirin, Julian Semilian, James Not’in, Allan Graubard, Judyth Emanuel, Stuart Inman, Jake Berry, Eleanor Levine, Philip Kane, nate maxson, James Terry, Agnes Hanying Ong, Andrew Romanelli, and John Allen.

Surrealists and Outsiders 2019: Narrow Doors In Wide Green Fields is available from Amazon.




The Heart Crossways by James Claffey is available from Amazon.

James Claffey's brilliant and aptly named debut novel, The Heart Crossways, grabs hold of you from the start. All the despair and desires of this boy's life, of this family's struggles, and atmospheric Dublin, comes fully to life. Sentence after gorgeous sentence, one feels total immersion. Lyrical and lovely, this novel is poetry in motion.

—Deb Henry, author of The Whipping Club

James Claffey is a master of the authentic working-class Irish atmosphere, but his accomplishment goes beyond: his story of the Brogan family is familiar yet fresh, a coming-of-age tale reminiscent of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, yet original. Like a symphony, it moves achingly towards its inevitable quiet final chords.

—Andrew Stancek, author of Wingy Unbound and The Mirko Stories

Read more about The Heart Crossways here.

James Claffey Bio PicJAMES CLAFFEY hails from County Westmeath, Ireland, and lives on an avocado ranch in Carpinteria, CA. He is fiction editor at Literary Orphans, and the author of the short fiction collection, Blood a Cold Blue. His work appears in the W.W. Norton Anthology, Flash Fiction International; New Micro: Exceptionally Short Fiction; and in Queensferry Press's anthology, Best Small Fictions of 2015.

The Heart Crossways by James Claffey is available from Amazon.


Surrealists and Outsiders 2018: I Wagered Deep On The Run Of Six Rats To See Which Would Catch The First Fire is available from Amazon.

A collection of outsider writing that stands against the false map of convention, teamed with contemporary surrealist writing from around the world. Over 50 contributors from six continents connected to the current surrealist movement present poems, stories, manifestos, automatic writing, the genius of chance, unexplained forms and sentence collage. The first of a series highlighting the original form of surrealism - the written word and the page inhabited. In a world of fakery and lies, here are writers who write what they know is there, not just what is seen. Surrealism, as a movement, never died. Here is the proof.

Surrealists and Outsiders 2018: I Wagered Deep On The Run Of Six Rats To See Which Would Catch The First Fire is available from Amazon.



Our Dolphin by Joel Allegretti is available from Amazon and CreateSpace eStore.

Something troubled the water as it headed toward land. A pair of grateful eyes broke the surface and watched the sleeping youth.
“Thank you, Emilio,” the dolphin said. “We’ll see each other again very soon.”
It spun like an acrobat and pursued the deep.

Enough water and waves and you get smoothed coral. Enough poetry and sun and you get Joel Allegretti’s new novella, Our Dolphin—a fairy tale less Grimm than hymn to a de Chirico landscape sliced into heat waves. The main character is a curiously disfigured lad who—in his despair—allows a tragic magic world to enter his heart. Our Dolphin has a flashing spine of story that combines Kafka’s “The Metamorphosis” with di Lampedusa’s Il Gattopardo—but the real pleasure for me is Allegretti’s poetic prose. Nearly every paragraph contains a surprise such as “The wind had a narcotic effect” or “His temples tingled with the electric charge of jellyfish stings.” Pour yourself a tall one and let the beach simmer twixt your toes while reading this masterful novella—just don’t flinch at the cruel parts.

—Ron Dakron, author of Hello Devilfish!

Read more about Our Dolphin here.

Joel Allegretti Bio Pic   
JOEL ALLEGRETTI is the author of five collections of poetry and the editor of Rabbit Ears: TV Poems (NYQ Books, 2015). His second collection, Father Silicon (The Poet’s Press, 2006), was selected by The Kansas City Star as one of 100 Noteworthy Books of 2006. He is a member of the Academy of American Poets and ASCAP.

Our Dolphin by Joel Allegretti is available from Amazon and CreateSpace eStore.


So What If It's True by Lorri Jackson is available from Amazon and CreateSpace eStore.

I know a poet has chops when half-way through a 100+ page collection, I am energized by envy and inspired to compete. Lorri Jackson is a poet who makes me want to write poems while knowing I could never reach her glorious heights or startling lows and that it doesn’t matter, that writing is all that saves us and the words are all we need to leave behind.  Lorri Jackson’s book So What If It’s True did just that to me.  Her language is gritty and gorgeous, her sensibilities stunning and exceptional. Jackson is a poet in the ilk of Patti Smith, Rimbaud, an impossible bastard child of Dylan Thomas mated with Bukowski and Joni Mitchell. Jackson’s language is blunt, garrulous, self-deprecating, insightful, cruel, and painfully honest. Her work soars and dives and takes the reader along for the ride. She leaves behind in So What If It’s True evidence that a unique and troubling genius was extinguished by a needle prick, leaving only “…the red wail of sirens / hoses hissing / the coach house smoldering / smoking / and me, perhaps found / unrecognizable, a little / twisted and curiously / dead.” Like Christopher Marlow, who died far too young from a self-inflicted life outside of his astonishing writing, Jackson leaves behind a body of unfinished potential we can only mourn as lost to all of us. I closed this necessary book wondering what would have happened had Jackson lived to carve her complete story into the bark of the American tree. So What If It’s True belongs in any thinking person’s desert island collection.
— Joani Reese, poet, educator, author of Night Chorus

Abandon all preconceptions you may have of post punk poetry and luxuriate in Lorri Jackson’s mix of cri de coeur and defiance. This poet loved language. She nurtured it, protecting it against the often harsh elements of her life. What we end up with in this heartbreaking collection is a portrait of a woman under thirty who was as much an artist as she was an outlaw. Through her intricate evocations of time and place, we can smell the bad coffee, see the dirty streets, and imagine that she is still here writing for us, telling us something new about an era long gone that she was both wary of and in love with.
— Deborah Pintonelli, poet, author of Meat and Memory and Ego Monkey

Read more about So What If It's True here.

So What If It's True by Lorri Jackson is available from Amazon and CreateSpace eStore.

Thrice Fiction Magazine...

Thrice Fiction Magazine CoverTHRICE FICTION No. 23 Stories include... The Wait by Angelica Oluoch, Plums by Natalie Warther, Snakes & Ladders by Rob Hill, Dish by Anika Jhalani, The Practice Session by Leia Johnson, Patient 49 by Scarlett R. Algee, The Man with Big Boots by L. Shapley Bassen, Toast by Chris Espenshade, Girls in the Shape of Birds in the Shape of Girls by Emma Harris, Hearse and Jockey by Jack Garrett, Wakeweaver: The Huntress by Leah Baker, House of Folly by Peter Cowlam, Kneecapping the Muse by Bill Yarrow, Forward and Back by Daniel Vollaro, The Edge of Things by Robert Ciesla, A Meditation on Swimwear by Cameron L. Mitchell, Bluff by Kathleen Collisson, Tinnitus by Daniel Bartkowiak, The Lie by Selena IR Drake, and Dog on the Tube by Kirsty Capes.
Purchase a copy at MagCloud (52 pages full color $12.40)Read online (FREE)

Thrice Fiction Magazine CoverTHRICE FICTION No. 22 Stories include... A Silly Woman by Brandon French, The Descent of Man by Lara Navarro, Joel in Our Souls by Ellaree Yeagley, The Leper Colony by Khanh Ha, Poorly Drawn Lines by Reza Farazmand, Steam by Salvatore Difalco, Dear Diary by Andrew Bain, Samia by Sylva Nze Ifedigbo, Ouroboros: A Blank Family History as Polymorphic Bandwidth by Jesse Kominers, Somebody is Killing The Oldest People in the World by Ray Nessly, Crawl by Norbert Kovacs, Nest by Dina Greenberg, The Uphill Mansion by Cristina Bresser de Campos, The Quentin Pizza by Catherine Sinow, and Littering Conflict by Meg Tuite..
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Thrice Fiction Magazine CoverTHRICE FICTION No. 21 Stories include... Bad Man Love Stories by Curtis VonDonkelaar, Macri Triangle by Wade Nacinovich, Lofty and The Saints by Thomas M. McDade, Sentient One by Jonan Pilet, Where I am; You Are Not by Brandon T. Madden, Coriolis Was Not One of Shakespeare’s Better Plays Regardless of Any Titular Character’s Desire to Serve the Public by David S. Atkinson, Animals by Paul Beckman, When The Clouds Don’t Care by Melanie Márquez Adams, Releasing the Tiger by Amanda Tumminaro, Lost by Juyanne James, Leaves in Fall by Coda Danu-Asmara, Bring it To Me by Nancy J. Lucas, Result of the Eclipse by Helen Ganiy, The Osmosis of The Poisoned Flower by Rekha Valliappan, No Smiling, No Blinking, No Crying by Marygrace Schumann, The World Famous Chicken Trick by Claire Rudy Foster, Art is Subjective by Natasha Cabot, Only One Demon by Jelena Woehr, Maybe There Was Danger Here by Kristen Seikaly, and The Brief Existence of You by Lucy Thorneycroft.
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Thrice Fiction Magazine CoverTHRICE FICTION No. 20 Stories include... The Stranger by Morgan Christie, C’ain’t by Gabriela F Jiménez Carrillo, Normalization by Zeke Jarvis, In Silence by June Calender, The Cost of Four Nickels by Jim Naremore, Black Water by Rosalind Goldsmith, The soft and silky thread by Steven Cline, Fudge by Steven Cline, The Estate by Adam Ross, Renumbering by Richard Kostelanetz, The Shoreham Vehicle by Kenneth John Holt, The Pale Wild Priest by Jim Meirose, The Tale of Talker Knock by Steve Carr, Catatonia by E.M. Stormo, Poorly Drawn Lines by Reza Farazmand, Running Through the Dark by Philip Goldberg, A Dream Once Lost by Jonathan Litten, Brain Tunnels by Heather Greenfield, Yawnaroo by Judyth Emanuel, Genitalia Philosophica by John Repp, and Anomic Aphasia by Thomas Hrycyk.
Purchase a copy at MagCloud (46 pages full color $11.20)Read online (FREE)

Thrice Fiction Magazine CoverTHRICE FICTION No. 19 Stories include... Weight by Nidhi Arora, Haven by C.J. Silver, Sun Shadows & The Umbrella Revolution by Howie Good, Memento Mori for Lorri Jackson by Joani Reese, The Glass Furnace by J.V. Hilger, Poorly Drawn Lines by Reza Farazmand, Late Stirrings by Erin Kyle, Letter’s from Summer’s Grave by Phil Gallos, Insomniac by Tim Frank, A Perfectly Round Dot by Abhishek Sengupta, Of Nowhere And by Raji A Samuel, The Sudd by Maya Alexandri, The Draining by Lindsay Fowler, Virginia Slims by Matthew B. Dexter, The Fish is Fried, Sir by Zöe Wise, The Passion of Pain by Penelope Mermall, Cities in Flight by Elana Gomel, A Rock and a Hard Place by Lilian Oben, What is Surrealism? by John J. Trause, and Collector of Forgotten Faces by Ellen Crispin.
Purchase a copy at MagCloud (46 pages full color $11.20)Read online (FREE)

Thrice Fiction Magazine CoverTHRICE FICTION No. 18 Stories by Lynn Mundell, Vincent Chabany-Douarre, Lis Anna-Langston, Carol Smallwood, Samuel Rafael Barber, Kiara A. Breedlove, Melinda Giordano, Sharon Frame Gay, Diane Valentine, Helen Sinoradzki, Tara Roeder, Martin Keaveney, John M. Bennett, Ashley Marie Dantzler, Eric G. Wilson, Elisa R.V. García, Cate Camp, Kawika Guillermo, Ducks by Mason Hamberlin, Alec Bryan, Merran Jones, Kathryn Kulpa, Jay Merill, Frank Diamond, Charles Rafferty, Thomas Sanfilip, and Sonya Gray Redi.
Purchase a copy at MagCloud (54 pages full color $11.80)Read online (FREE)

Thrice Fiction Magazine CoverTHRICE FICTION No. 17 Stories by Douglas Penick, Bette Pesetsky, James Claffey, Charles Wilkinson, Ana Prundaru, Saanya Ali, LA Lantz, Emily Walling, E. H. Vital-Lazare, Reza Farazmand, Geoffrey Miller, Priyanka Nawathe, Ariana Hocking, Jonathan Louis Duckworth, Shoshauna Shy, Brian Coughlan, Sarah Denise Johnson, Gary Floyd, Steven Earnshaw, C. Allen Harrison, Estlin Agnew, Marilyn Morgan, and Jon Sindell.
Purchase a copy at MagCloud (62 pages full color $13.40)Read online (FREE)

Thrice Fiction Magazine CoverTHRICE FICTION No. 16 Stories include... Kronprinzen Bridge by David Weinberger, Babe Leto by Lynn Mundell, Where Comfort Resides by James Claffey, Afraid of the Dark by Lisa Laffend, My Song Was Gratitude by Blake Kilgore, Code by Susan Tepper, Alleyways by Susan Abram, The Thing I Am by Toti O’Brien, The Meeting by Chris Fradkin, With These Three Hearts by Sarah David, Church Folk Postscripts by Cynthia A. Roby, Poorly Drawn Lines by Reza Farazmand, Third Wheels by Lou Gaglia, Baby Muncher by WB Welch, Sightless by Martha Clarkson, Everything is Always Now, Everything is Always Gone by Sarah Sorensen, and Until Summer by John Meyers
Purchase a copy at MagCloud (40 pages full color $9.00)Read online (FREE)

Thrice Fiction Magazine CoverTHRICE FICTION No. 15 Stories by Ray Nessly, Rob Cook, Nancy Hightower, Ginna Luck, Clodagh O’Brien, Maroula Blades, Carol Malkin, Fikret Pajalic, Paul Beckman, Eliot Deringer, Gregory Roll, Christine Tierney, Esther Veitch, Mike Corrao, Melissa Ostrom, and Rosemarie Dombrowski.
Purchase a copy at MagCloud (34 pages full color $7.80)Read online (FREE)

Thrice Fiction Magazine CoverTHRICE FICTION No. 14 Stories by Eleanor Levine, E.M. Stormo, Julieanna Blackwell, James Claffey, Karly Perez, Conrad Smyth, Beate Sigriddaughter, J.A. Pak, Ray Nessly, Daniel Presley, John M. Bennett, Laurence Klavan, Reza Farazmand, Adam Webster, Sam Helmer, Mercedes Lawry, Nicholas Olson, and Jeff Weddle.
Purchase a copy at MagCloud (44 pages full color $9.80)Read online (FREE)

Thrice Fiction Magazine CoverTHRICE FICTION No. 13 Stories by Samantha Memi, Aleah Sterman Goldin, Gloria Garfunkel, Melissa Ostrom, Jackie Davis Martin, Scott Archer Jones, Kirk Boys, by Gwendolyn Joyce Mintz, Stephanie Dickinson, Rebecca Bell-Gurwitz, Ron Burch, John M. Bennett, Shira Feder, Kelsey Goudie, Reza Farazmand, Jacquelynn Gothard, Mitchell Grabois, Matthew Brister, Melissa Castillo-Garsow, Ed Higgins, and James Claffey.
Purchase a copy at MagCloud (48 pages full color $10.60)Read online (FREE)

Thrice Fiction Magazine CoverTHRICE FICTION No. 12 Stories by Robin Rozanski, Paul Beckman, Meeah Williams, Marsha Roberts, Barry Basdon, Lucinda Kempe, Cezarija Abartis, Barbara Donnelly Lane, Mike Koenig, Doug Scanlon, D.S. West, Texoma by G. Wise, L. Noelle McLaughlin, Natalia Andrievskikh, Hun Ohm, Howie Good, and John M. Bennett.
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Thrice Fiction Magazine CoverTHRICE FICTION No. 11 Stories by Athena Nilssen, Paul Edward Costa, Richard Kostelanetz, Timothy B. Dodd, Melissa Binari, Chris Fradkin, Khanh Ha, Laura Casteel, Nicholas A White, Rich Ives, Sarah Ann Winn, Kevin Tosca, Jon Sindell, Larissa, Shmailo, Peter Bracking, Ashlee Coleman, Russ Bickerstaff, Georgina Parfitt, B.Z. Niditch, and John M. Bennett.
Purchase a copy at MagCloud (52 pages full color $11.40)Read online (FREE)

Thrice Fiction Magazine CoverTHRICE FICTION No. 10 Stories by Howie Good, Emily Grelle, Susan Tepper, Samantha Memi, André M. Zucker, Zeke Jarvis, Emily Grelle, Jeff Burt, Mike Ekunno, Charles Rammelkamp, Tom Gledhill, Chris Fradkin, Jill Owen, Shayna Murphy, and Elizabeth Kroll. Plus an observation by Gloria Garfunkel.
Purchase a copy at MagCloud (36 pages full color $8.20)Read online (FREE)

Thrice Fiction Magazine CoverTHRICE FICTION No. 9 Stories by Andrew Hogan, Rena Rossner, Nina Kotyantz, Vica Miller, Mia Avramut, Robert Steele, Marc Landas, Zoltán Komor, Legace, Scott Archer Jones, Chris Fradkin, April Bradley, Amanda Nicole Corbin, B.Z. Niditch, Michael Chaney, Crow Billings, Jane Liddle, H.L. Nelson, India McDonough.
Purchase a copy at MagCloud (44 pages full color $9.80)Read online (FREE)

Thrice Fiction Magazine CoverTHRICE FICTION No. 8 Stories by Ann Bogle, Maroula Blades, Bud Smith, David Bowman, Eric Hawthorn, Howie Good, Kevin Tosca, John Riley, Joel Allegretti, Momina Mela, Jane Flett, Rachel Anderson, Brandon Patterson, Peter Clarke, Cara Long, Jenny Ferguson, Mercedes Lawry, Adalena Kavanagh, Phillip Sterling, Nels Hanson, Eleanor Levine, Susan Tepper, Andrew Mangan, Isabella Kerr, Katie Darby Mullins, James Claffey, Gary V. Powell, Holly Day, And selections by Richard Kostelanetz.
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Thrice Fiction Magazine CoverTHRICE FICTION No. 7 Stories include... The Happy Couple by Gessy Alvarez, Distance by Susan Tepper, Cents of Wonder Rhymes with Orange by David S. Atkinson, Cul-de-Sacs & Blindfolds by Ahimaaz Rajesh, Huge Things Happen by Meg Tuite, The Pissing Man by Tom Barlow, Fly Away by Jane Hoppen, The Chicken Sees by Monique Roussel, Bubbled Up All Over by Kate LaDew, Dream Maker by Robert Vaughan, Living Alone by Joe Jatcko, Death Car Girl by Brandon French, Sabeen by MaryAnne Kolton, Legacy by JP Reese, A Few Things He Didn’t Mention by Josepha Gutelius, Nelson by Jason DeYoung, Plus works by Howie Good, Kyle Hemmings, Jane Hertenstein, and Jocelyn Crawley.
Purchase a copy at MagCloud (54 pages full color $11.80)Read online (FREE)

Thrice Fiction Magazine CoverTHRICE FICTION No. 6 Stories include... Absent by Kevin Tosca, Bypassed by Don Thompson, Ash by Gloria Garfunkel, The Book of Joel by Robyn Parnell, Apartment 461, Oakland CA by Jaylee Alde,Softening of the Skull and The Cane Flays Bare by James Claffey, More than What You Ordered, Vice, and Getting It Together by Michelle Matthees, She Saw by Michael Dickes, The Spanish Dwarf by Eric J. Guignard, Memory by Peter Colwell, Perfect Execution by Andrew Stancek, A Dearth of Exploitation in Southwark by KJ Hannah Greenberg, Retaliation by Nick Sansone, Interview with Jean Seberg, Part 4 by Stephanie E. Dickinson, Plus works by John M. Bennett
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Thrice Fiction Magazine CoverTHRICE FICTION No. 5 Stories include... Casino and The Photographer by Susan Tepper, Feminine Rage by Gessy Alvarez, ILUAAF by Janice D. Soderling, Spilling Out by Eddie Jeffrey, The Jitsu Mistu Jub Jub Ja by Brian Michael Barbeito, Hot July Night by Regina Clarke, Android Clippings by Marcus Speh, Acceptance (and other stories) by Darren Cormier, A Map of Reality by MaryAnne Kolton, What is Hell, if not a Hard Candy by Justin J. Brouckaert, Lonely by Gloria Mindock, The Riverboat by Fred Skolnik, Bear Claw and Call from Ben Lomond by Misti Rainwater-Lites, Life in Fragments by Howie Good, Bury the God by Matt Salyer, There’s No Place Like Home by Robert Vaughan.
Purchase a copy at MagCloud (40 pages full color $9.00)Read online (FREE)

Thrice Fiction Magazine CoverTHRICE FICTION No. 4 Stories include... snow was general, dublin on a wet day, and how i came into the world by James Claffey, Horny by Lynn Beighley, Telltale and The Curious Case of Dr Alabone-Heterodoxy by mIEKAL aND, Rich Girls by B.D. Fischer, Sole Dadas, Chunk 7 by John M. Bennett, In a Basket by Ann Bogle, SNAKES and Other Lovers by Susan Tepper, The Nondenominational Tourist by Matthew Dexter, A Story Without Easy Phrases by Jessica Maybury, Spy vs. Park by Darryl Price, Hellgate by David Ackley, Mad Adelaide by Danica Green.
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Thrice Fiction Magazine CoverTHRICE FICTION No. 3 Stories include... Time Heals by Jeff Swanson, Time Capsule by Aleathia Drehmer, Still Life by Robert Kroese, Time by Ann Bogle, Portents by Lisa Vihos, Replay by Vahid Jimenez, stop by C. Brannon Watts, Time Alone by David Simmer II, Snowblind by Marty Mankins, Crime Beat by Matthew Hill, Learning to Speak Spanish Cats Like Martyrs by RW Spryszak
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Thrice Fiction Magazine CoverTHRICE FICTION No. 2 Stories include... Free Country by Ann Bogle, Perfect by Jack Foley, The Fire at Paradise Creek by Brandon Rogers, She Lets Her Intentions Guide Her by Ann Bogle, When Our Friends Become Successful by Vahid Jimenez, Hey Floyd by Marty Mankins, The Turn by David Simmer II, Hooker by Ann Bogle, Litterbug by David Simmer II, The Smell of Water, Part One by Chris Mansel, Nacatlamoxtli by John M. Bennett, Yellow by Adam Heath Avitable, Hit by a Club by Marty Mankins, Uncle Veryl by Matthew Hill, Two Hundred Fifty by Ann Bogle, Into the Dark by Robert Kroese, Hard Boiled Eggs by RW Spryszak
Purchase a copy at MagCloud (38 pages full color $8.60)Read online (FREE)

Thrice Fiction Magazine CoverTHRICE FICTION No. 1 Stories include..., Becoming Aquaman by Marty Mankins, The Old Man by Jack Foley, Prelude by Vahid Jimenez, Too Many Days by David Simmer II, Finito by Jack Foley, The Exit Interview by David Simmer II, Life, again by Michael W. Harkins, The End by Jack Foley, PLUS... Poems by John M. Bennett
Purchase a copy at MagCloud (24 pages full color $5.80)Read online (FREE)





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